Be cautious when surfing the internet to prevent yourself from falling victim to cyber fraud. Use strong passwords, safeguard personal information, and stay away from pressing on suspicious hyperlinks or accessories. When it's possible, turn on two-factor authentication. Upgrade your antivirus and software regularly. Keep yourself apprised of common scams and quickly report any unusual activity to the proper authorities.
The goal of introducing Section 89 of the Code of Civil Procedure was to facilitate mutually agreeable settlements between parties without the need for court intervention. Over 90% of cases in most developed nations, particularly those in the world's top few, are resolved out of court.
The Citizenship (Amendment) Act was approved four years ago, and the CAA by Narendra Modi Government is highlighting its message to voters, "Jo kaha, voh kiya" (delivered all that we promised)," by announcing the act's regulations just prior to the approaching general elections.
Women frequently confront multiple hurdles while working. While these problems may be sociological, they are also subject to discriminatory laws. The Supreme Court recently ruled on a case in which a government employee challenged a similar discriminatory law. The Supreme Court ruled that any statute that considers female employees' marriages and home duties grounds for incompetence is unconstitutional.