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Adv Ankit Kansal
Adv Ankit Kansal. | 10 months ago | 396 Views

Is Anticipatory Bail Possible In 498A Cases ?

The provision of Section 498A was introduced with a noble intention of protecting married women from the acts of cruelty and harassment, which included dowry-related abuse. But, over the years, it could be noticed that the provision has been praised as well as criticised at the same time, as there have been instances of false accusations and misuse of the provision. 

Thus, in cases of misuse of the provision, anticipatory bail could be treated as a significant legal remedy, which offers an individual an opportunity to seek protection from the courts even before an arrest has been made.

In dowry cases and Section 498A, the provision of anticipatory bail acts a legal shield which allows the accused to secure his freedom even before facing his arrest. The discussion below explains about the concepts of anticipatory bail in the matters related to Section 498A and dowry cases. 

For details about the provision of Section 498A, and the procedure required to be followed to anticipatory bail, you may seek legal consultation at Sharks of Law.

Section 498a and Dowry Laws:

The provisions of Section 498A of the IPC and the Dowry prohibition Act were introduced with an intention of ensuring protection to married women against the acts of cruelty and harassment over dowry issues.

Section 498A of the IPC deals with the acts of cruelty by the husband or his relatives against a woman, and could be generally invoked in cases dealing with dowry harassment. The practice of dowry has been prohibited by law in India, still numerous criminal cases are being registered in the country, with dowry as the root cause. Anticipatory bail, thus sometimes become a necessity in case one is charged over false accusations.

How to Apply for Anticipatory Bail for matters related to Section 498A-

In case one is facing a potential arrest, anticipatory bail under Section 438 of the CrPC could prove to be a crucial step while ensuring a protection of his rights, especially in cases related to Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code as well as other dowry offences. The following discussion helps explaining certain insights and necessary steps when applying for anticipatory bail procedure-

  1.  Consult with a Legal Expert: A person who has been implicated under Section 498a or dowry case, it is advised that he must immediately seek legal consultation with an experienced lawyer, which would help him understand the various nuances of the case, as well as come with a strong defence strategy.
  2. Drafting the Application for Anticipatory Bail: The lawyer, after having a thorough understanding of the case would draft an application for anticipatory bail for 498A cases, which shall explain the ground based on which bail is sought.
  3. Submitting the Application: Anticipatory bail application would be submitted to the respective Sessions Court or the High Court, which has jurisdiction over the matter. A copy of the application will also be provided to the Public Prosecutor.
  4. Notice to the Prosecution: The respective Court would then issue a notice to the prosecution. 
  5. Hearing in Court: At this stage both parties will allowed to present their arguments before the court makes the final decision about the anticipatory bail. The court will decide over factors including nature of the offence, prima facie facts of the case, and if the accused would be able to tamper with the evidence if he is granted bail.
  6. Conditions Imposed for the bail: In case the Court allows an anticipatory bail, certain conditions may be imposed by it which may include reporting to the police on a regular basis, submitting the passport, any other similar measure which the Court may believe to be necessary.
  7. Executing the Bail Order: After an anticipatory bail has been granted, it is important that the order is executed promptly, failing to do so could lead to the cancellation of bail.the accused must promptly execute the bail order. 

Landmark Cases related to grant of anticipatory bail in matter related to Matrimonial Disputes- 

Mentioned below are some of the significant cases, where in issues related to matrimonial disputes and matters involving gender specific laws in India, the Courts have emphasised over the importance of a fair and just legal system and maintaining a balanced approach to deal with grievances related to marital problems.

  • Arnesh Kumar v. State of Bihar (2014) 

The Supreme Court of India held that when arresting an accused in the case of dowry-related matters, proper caution and care must be followed. The Court issued certain guidelines and stressed upon the importance of proper investigation before arrests in such cases. 

  • Rajesh Sharma & Ors. v. State of U.P. & Anr. (2017): 

Mentioning the guidelines issued in the above case, the Court directed the constitution of a Family Welfare Committee so as to scrutinise the validity of allegations made in such cases before the accused in arrested.

  • Sushil Kumar Sharma v. Union of India (2005)

In the present case, the Supreme Court of India, accepted that anti-dowry laws, in some cases, are being misused and a growing pattern could be observed adhering to same where such provisions are being used to set personal vendetta. The Court, thus stressed a need for a fair and balanced approach.

  • Preeti Gupta & Anr. v. State of Jharkhand & Anr. (2010)

In this case, the Court cautioned against arrests solely on the basis of FIRs without verifying properly.

Points to be considered when applying for Anticipatory Bail-

  • Proving the Accusations to be False- Proving that the accusations are false is important when applying for an anticipatory bail, backing it with evidence with help strengthen the case.
  • It must be understood that the procedure required to be followed when applying for anticipatory bail for 498A matters could vary on the  basis of jurisdiction of the respective court. It is, therefore, important to have an understanding of such rules. Seeking legal consultation from Sharks of Law could be helpful for your case.
  • It is important that one must take immediate action if he fears an imperative arrest in the near future and should apply for an anticipatory bail as swiftly as he could.


In conclusion, it has to be understood that a very delicate balance has to be maintained when talking about matters related to Section 498A and anticipatory bail in such cases. The right to justice is equally important for victims on both sides, be it the woman who is being harassed in her in-laws’ house or the in-laws who are being harassed due to a false case. 

Keeping in mind the present scenario in the country, the Courts have issued necessary guidelines, where arrest must not be made merely on technical terms, but only after investigating the case and the truthfulness of the complaint so filed. 

In case, you are facing similar situation and wish to file a dowry case or are being harassed due to a false dowry case, it is advised that you seek necessary legal consultation from experienced advocates. Sharks of Law offers you a team of dedicated lawyers who have been dealing with similar criminal cases successfully and could offer you proper advice for the same.

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